WWE WrestleMania 40: 20 Nightmares That Could Come True

2. Cody Rhodes Eats A Stupid Pin

WWE WrestleMania 40 Cody Rhodes Roman Reigns The Rock

The result of the opening night's main event tag is very, very important. Win, and the babyfaces will ensure The Bloodline is barred from ringside for Cody's rematch with Roman. Lose, and Rhodes will have to work "Bloodline Rules". Putting Rocky and Reigns over is fine, but...

...having them literally pin Cody on night 1 sure wouldn't be.

Sorry to any Seth Rollins fans out there, but it's he who has to take the fall for this one. WWE can protect Seth somewhat by having Drew McIntyre stick his beak in, or maybe a Damian Priest attempted MITB cash in can distract him long enough for a Rock Bottom or Superman Punch finish.

It'd be totally senseless of Triple H if he had Rhodes stare at the lights though. That's avoidable, and it'd be daft to see the big babyface hope crumble before he steps into the ring one-on-one with Roman for the second 'Mania running. Keep Cody safe, Trips! Your night 2 main event depends on it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.