WWE WrestleMania 40: 20 Things That Must Happen

10. A Grudge Match Kicks Off Night 2

WWE WrestleMania 40 XL Cody Rhodes

What opens 'Mania 40's first night is up for debate, but there should be no squabble over the blowoff card. Philly would come unglued if LA Knight's catchy entrance track blasted out to get things started, and there'd be a big fight feel in the air as AJ Styles came out to go nose-to-nose with his hated rival.

That'd get things going the right way, and continue the same heated atmosphere as the bloody closing visual 24 hours before. Saying that, LA vs. AJ doesn't need the red stuff to make it worthwhile. It has to be more of a brawl than a straight up chain wrestling exhibition though.

These guys have been flying to Australia and invading one another's homes to fight, after all.

It'd be wise to put Knight vs. Styles on as early as possible and bring the thunder so night 2 matches night 1's intensity. Besides, AJ has shown he can open 'Mania well in the past. Dude squeezed a winner out of Shane McMahon, y'know.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.