WWE's 53 Wrestlers Ranked From Worst To Best
6. Dolph Ziggler
1. Can sell ice to an Eskimo
2. Has maintained a consistent level of popularity for years now
3. An excellent wrestler overall
1. Still stuck in the upper mid-card, partly due to outspoken criticism of WWE
2. Has a history of concussions
3. Goofy wrestling name
Dolph Ziggler is one of the most exciting wrestlers on the WWE roster. Capable of putting on a dramatic performance with pretty much anyone, Ziggler has been impressing audiences with his technique, charisma, and of course, the distance he goes to in to sell offense. Some have even described him as another Shawn Michaels, which is a great compliment to have.
Because of these positive traits, one would think Ziggler would be in the main event scene by now or even Champion. Sadly, Ziggler has also been cursed with a string of bad luck. A series of concussions and injuries have led to WWE being cautious around giving him the main spot, and speaking out against WWE’s decisions put him in the doghouse for many months back in 2013.
Nevertheless, Ziggler’s an exciting wrestler who puts on some of the best matches on a weekly basis. As long as he keeps his mouth shut, he’ll keep rising up the card until eventually, he gets a well-deserved World title shot.
Final Rating: ****1/4