WWF Brawl For All: Where Are They Now?

1. Bart Gunn

Bart Gunn Brawl For All

For Bart Gunn winning Brawl For All ended up doing his career in WWE no favours at all. Only entering the tournament after being convinced that whoever won would receive a major push, Gunn thought he had nothing to lose. He had been languishing in the mid-card for years and wanted a change.

No one had realised how good a fighter Gunn was. He made sure he knocked out pre-tournament favourite Steve Williams just to show up all the backroom staff who didn't believe he could win.

Unfortunately, rather than get a push after the tournament, Gunn was pitted against Butterbean, in a proper boxing match at WrestleMania XV, as punishment. He was knocked out in the first round.

Knowing that his WWE days were numbered, Gunn soon left and wrestled in Japan before retiring in 2007. In 2006 he had a brief stint in MMA recording one loss and one victory.

After retiring, Gunn returned to his pre-wrestling job as an electrician. He is now a grandfather, and although he misses performing to big crowds every night, he's also glad that he no longer spends seven days a week on the road.

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Bart Gunn
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Part time artist, part time stone sawyer. Bass player and history lover. Was a cobbler in a past life.