WWF Brawl For All: Where Are They Now?

2. Bradshaw

Bart Gunn Brawl For All

According to Vince Russo he suggested the Brawl For All tournament because he wanted to see Bradshaw get beat up. Seen as something of a bully in the locker room, Russo wanted to teach Bradshaw a lesson knowing that there were plenty of tougher wrestlers on the roster.

Although Bradshaw progressed to the final (with the help of some dubious points scoring along the way) Bart Gunn made light work of him in the final, knocking him out in the first round.

Out of all the contestants in Brawl For All, Bradshaw is the only one to achieve main event status with the WWE. He had a successful run with Ron Simmons as part of the APA tag team. Later, as a singles performer, he turned heel with his John Bradshaw Layfield gimmick, a JR Ewing type figure, winning the WWE World Championship along the way.

Away from wrestling Bradshaw has become a successful business man, making his fortune investing in the stock market. He can often be seen on screen as a financial commentator on Fox News. He was inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame this year.

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Bart Gunn
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Part time artist, part time stone sawyer. Bass player and history lover. Was a cobbler in a past life.