15 Wrestlers With The Worst Fashion Sense

3. Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho's look has changed considerably over the years. He went from being a WCW cruiserweight with long, heavy metal hair and bright tights to a WWE World Champion, cutting his hair short and adopted more serious black trunks. There were many alterations on his look in between. Not all of them were successful. Credit must go to Y2J for experimenting with his look and trying to keep things fresh, but he really should have paused for a few seconds before deciding to don some of the outfits that he has worn on WWE television. They were absolute disasters. The nadir for Jericho was probably his 'King of the World' phase in 2002/3. Every week Jericho debuted a new hideous trouser/jacket combination. He also grew out his beard and dyed his ponytail red. It was not a good look. Jericho seemed to take his demotion from Undisputed Champion as a sign that he needed to come across as behind-the-times and strictly midcard. Just look at this monstrosity from Insurrextion 2003.
He looks like a low-rent children's entertainer, not a serious contender for a Heavyweight Championship. Jericho proved he could wear a suit during his heel run in 2008, mind. It's a shame he didn't ditch the gaudy colours five years beforehand.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...