10 Awesome Comics To Convert New Readers

7. Green Arrow (DC)

Speaking of superhero archers, why not give DC's Green Arrow a push towards new readers? With the current proliferation of superheroes on TV these days, it's sometimes easy to forget that Arrow could be credited with starting the current boom. Since it's debut in October 2012, the show has built itself a sizeable fanbase and receives positive reviews nearly each and every week, with critics and aficionado's alike praising how the show utilises it's DC Comics source material. Therefore, wouldn't it make sense to thrust a Green Arrow graphic novel into the hands of your family or friends who watch the show religiously? Yes. Yes, it would. DC has aligned the comic book Green Arrow universe much more closely with the show in recent years, so there will be enough similarities that new readers won't feel alienated. In fact, they could read Arrow Season 2.5, a comic set entirely within the world of the show, but a better bet would be to dive into The Kill Machine and The Outsiders War, two graphic novels that contain some of the very best Green Arrow stories in DC history. Written by Jeff Lemire (Justice League Dark), with extraordinarily inventive artwork from Andrea Sorrentino (X-Men), these stories redefined the character in DC's New 52 universe and feature some of the best action seen in many a year in comics.
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