10 Batman Fates Worse Than Death

4. Realising That Whatever Reality Exists, There Will Always Be Batman - Flashpoint

Batman Last Knight on Earth
DC Comics

Now, this isn't to say that having Batman is inherently a bad thing. The Dark Knight embodies hope and perseverance as much as he does the existence of some of the most horrific criminals fiction has ever known, but you do have to admit it's just a little bit upsetting that, no matter the universe, in some shape or form, Batman will always exist.

In each of DC's realities, inevitably a moment will occur that will lead to the creation of a Batman. These Bat-men aren't always good, but even those that are usually pursue their path after being confronted by a tragedy at a tender age.

This crushing sense of inevitably was felt hardest in the Flashpoint reality, where Thomas Wayne adopted the mantle of Batman following the murder of his son, Bruce.

When a time-displaced Barry Allen informs Thomas that his son also grew up to be Batman, the feeling that greets Thomas is one of hope, because there's a chance he'll be able to trade his own existence for the son that was cruelly taken from him decades ago. However, when Thomas finds himself flung into mainstream DC continuity, he tries his best to get Bruce to stop being Batman, so upset is he by the fact his son has had to dedicate his life to crimefighting.

Crucially, the point here isn't that Batman existing is a bad thing, but rather that, in every reality, an evil so great will rise that Batman is a necessary force. It's inspiring in some ways, but more than a little dispiriting in others.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.