10 Batman Moments That Shocked The World

5. "Try Me."

Batman Death Of The Family
DC Comics

Grant Morrison was at it again during the 2008 event 'Final Crisis'. After the conclusion of the 'New Gods' arc, Darkseid's spirit was sent crashing through time and ended up on Earth, inside the body of a human being.

Not one to let such a thing slow him down, he soon amassed a huge army of super villains hell-bent on taking over the world which, in turn, brought about a huge battle between good and evil.

What looked like an insurmountable task and one that the heroes just couldn't win, was yanked from the jaws of defeat when Batman did what Batman does and attacked Darkseid in one final act of bravery. Pulling a gun on the Lord of Apokolips, he fired a radon bullet at him which left Darkseid mortality wounded. This came at a heavy cost.

As Darkseid had predicted, the Dark Knight could not outrun his Omega Beams even if he did manage to kill him, and this was shown on the last page of issue #6 when Superman emerged from the destruction, carrying the very chargrilled corpse of Batman.

Now, who saw that coming?


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.