10 Best Batman Costumes Of All Time

7. Batfleck

Batman Inc Batsuit
Warner Bros.

Taking its cues from the Dark Knight Returns, Ben Affleck's Batsuit is notable less for its design (although it does look good) but rather for being the most comic-book accurate suit since Adam West's. The first time in a movie we've seen Batman wear anything but rubber and armour plates, Batfleck looks like Frank Miller's Batman come to life.

However one feels about Batman v Superman or Justice League (and the Bat's behaviour in the former) there's no denying that Affleck looks the part; particularly during that incredible fight sequence. We look forward to seeing what future movies in the DCU have in store for us in the wardrobe department.

And talking of the future - special mention goes out to Dawn of Justice's Knightmare suit, featuring a trenchcoat-and-goggles wearing Batman in the film's most visually striking sequence. Say what you like about Snyder, but he knows how to make the Bat look good.


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.