10 Best Batman Villains You Totally Forgot Existed

5. Saint George

Flamingo DC Comics
DC Comics

In 2016's Batman #48-50, Batman faced one of the most mysterious supervillains ever, Saint George. Over the years, this enigmatic criminal grew to despise superheroes, believing they've overshadowed true heroes like Charles Darwin, Alan Shepherd, and George Washington. To prevent his idols from being forgotten, Saint George dressed up as his heroes and committed acts of vigilantism in their name.

Now, there's plenty of nutjobs in Gotham who put on a costume and a mask and think they're a big shot. But Saint George is different. When he dresses up as George Washington, he convinces himself he is the first American president and will act, move, and speak like him.

When he is in character, he will only talk by using exact quotes spoken by the former president. (At one point, he takes on the character of Balto the husky, forcing him to only communicate through barking.)

Even though the character's motif is unique, Saint George only appeared in one story arc. It would be fascinating for this insidious imitator to face Batman again, taking on the guise of other historic figures such as Joan of Arc, Leonidas, Guy Fawkes, or Abraham Lincoln.


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