10 Best Black Widow Outfits Of All Time

4. Ultimate Iron Armour

white widow
Marvel Comics

The ultimate universe was a world where our heroes could be filled with a different sense of heroism that came out as a nice refresher. As it was a whole new world, most heroes got to pick outfits befitting their universe. And for the Black Widow of that universe, her outfit could not possibly cover up all the bad things she had done.

In the Ultimates Universe, the Natasha Romanov there started out the same as ours, a villain turned good who worked with that universe's Avengers. but after a marriage proposal by Tony Stark, things get weird, even before the sex tape with Tony Stark. She ends up being revealed to still be under the rule of the Russian government, and even kills Jarvis until she is knocked out by Stark and later killed by Hawkeye.

As a gift from Tony Stark during his proposal, Natasha was given a personalized Iron suit. Her suit had a similar design to the Ultimate Iron Man's, with blue lights interwoven trough the dark black suit. it may not explicitly a Black WIdow outfit, but it is still always awesome to see other heroes in the Marvel Universe dress up in a personalized version of the iconic Marvel hero's armor.

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