10 Best Black Widow Outfits Of All Time

3. The Grey Widow Suit

white widow
Marvel Comics

The Black Widow and the Punisher have been an unlikely duo that has surprisingly turned out great stories of honor duty and pushing the line between hero and murderer. This is shown clearly in the comic series during the early '90s where Natasha and Frank Castle team up after having a brief fight with each other over someone the Rambo stylized Punisher wanted to kill but that Natasha needed to be kept alive to find a hidden weapon.

To stick with the darker themes, the Black Widow outfit was shaped as its usual skintight jumpsuit made form a more cloth-like material, her gauntlets stayed the sams solid grey color scheme as her outfit.

There was also the new addition of a black widow placed over the Widow's left side along with a larger spider ut on her back, her neckline, and shorter haircut were also shown off in a fashionable collar that looked like it definitely could only come from the late '80s early '90s.

The outfit may be one that is plainer and makes the red-headed superspy look more like a member of the Spider-Verse, but it nevertheless looks really cool when splashed between the anger of the Punisher and the madness of her enemies.

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Black Widow
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