10 Best Creative Runs In Comics Since 2000

1. Scott Snyder And Greg Capullo On 'Batman' (2011 Onwards)

The number one entry on this list should come as no surprise to anyone who is currently reading comics (or anyone who has read our previous articles). Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have struck up a genuinely phenomenal partnership on Batman and their collaboration has rightly positioned the Bat near the top of the sales charts every single month. The combination of Snyder's writing, which has always had a dark edge and a lean towards horror, and Capullo's pencils, which also lean towards grotesque horror at times, have led to Batman being a singular title on the stands. The stories have been ambitious from day one, with Snyder introducing the Court Of Owls to Gotham history and then providing a new vision of Batman's early days in Zero Year. The fact that Snyder is a relatively new voice in comics who is combining with a 20 year veteran of the industry on art duties should not be ignored; the mixing of youth and experience pays off perfectly. Their run will be held up in the future alongside Year One, The Dark Knight Returns and The Killing Joke as definitive examples of Batman, of that we have no doubt. But as of right now, we're still in the middle of it and simply can't wait for the next story arc, entitled Endgame. DC have been so secretive about this story that they have only revealed the title, leading fans to wildly speculate about what Snyder and Capullo have cooked up for us this time. Whatever it is, it's sure to get us talking. Fans have also been assured that Snyder and Capullo have no intention of leaving the title anytime soon, so we can look forward to more superior Batman stories from them. And really, as a comic book fan, what is better than that? What say you? Which awesome runs have we forgotten about or left out? Sound off in the comments below.
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