10 Best Creative Runs In Comics Since 2000

5. Grant Morrison And Various Artists On 'Batman' Titles (2006 - 2013)

We've previously mentioned how Grant Morrison has worked with nearly every major character in DC Universe over his illustrious career. However, before 2006, his work with the Caped Crusader was surprisingly light, amounting only to the Arkham Asylum graphic novel in 1989, the Gothic story arc printed in Legends Of The Dark Knight in 1990 and using Batman as a member of his JLA. Therefore, when he was announced as the new writer of the main Batman title, fans imaginations were fired with the possibilities of what Morrison would do with an extended run. Of course, he didn't disappoint and ended up telling a sprawling Batman epic across multiple titles over the next seven years. It appeared that if Grant was going to do Batman, he was going to get his moneys worth, and he ultimately rewarded those fans that stuck with him over the long, if sometimes confusing, run. Morrison's Batman stories are so unique that it's difficult to imagine any other writer coming up with them. It's always seemed like he is a writer who discards more great ideas before lunchtime than most writers can come up with in a year, and the sheer volume of new concepts included in his Batman work reflect that. From creating the enduring character of Damian Wayne, the soon to be fourth Robin, to the villainous collective The Black Glove; from Simon Hurt, who may in fact be either Bruce's father Thomas Wayne gone evil or the Devil himself, to Oberon Sexton, a masked amateur detective who aided Batman (and who definitely wasn't who he appeared to be); from Professor Pyg, a nut who wore a pig mask and used an army of lobotomised 'Dollotrons' to do his bidding, to Batman: Incorporated, an international group of Batmen set up by Bruce Wayne when he realised Batman needed a more worldwide presence. Oh, and Batman died at one point during the run as well. Kind of. It turned out he was travelling through time instead, but it meant Dick Grayson got to be Batman for over a year and formed a partnership with Damian that fans embraced fully. Let it never be said that Morrison is not ambitious!
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