10 Best Ed Brubaker Comics Fans Must Read

4. Daredevil

The Fade Out
Marvel Comics

Ed Brubaker could tackle most superhero titles and create something entertaining and memorable. But some characters align perfectly with his crime noir approach making him the perfect scribe for their adventures. Daredevil is one such superhero.

Daredevil lends itself so well to those pulp tropes that Brubaker loves and subverts. He’s a street level hero taking on criminal gangs. Set the action at night and add lashings of b-movie rain for a noir feel, and it’s pretty much a pulp story already.

When writer Brian Michael Bendis stepped away from Daredevil, he left Ed Brubaker in an interesting place to pick up from. Matt Murdock had been sent to Rykers Island prison along with Kingpin and a whole bunch of other bad guys.

That’s how Brubaker’s run begins. Murdock is trapped, outnumbered, and everyone thinks he’s Daredevil. Meanwhile someone’s running around Hell’s Kitchen dressed as the man without fear.

Brubaker’s daredevil is not like most superhero comics. It is a taught, suspenseful thriller that you want to keep on reading in order to find out what happens, and to drink in Michael Lark’s moody visuals.


Jonathan was formerly an editor at Titan Comics where he was the line editor on their Statix Press imprint and the editor on Doctor Who and Tank Girl among other titles. He has written for various anthology comics including SelfMadeHero’s The Corbyn Comic.