10 Best Fakeout Endings In Comics
8. Wolverine Isn't Dead, He's Death!
1999 saw Marvel Comics make the bold move to kill off one of its most popular characters, Wolverine.
Of course, comics being comics, this death was shown to be a ruse and Logan would be dead for barely a month. Not just that, but Wolverine himself would be revealed as his own killer.
To clarify, September '99's Astonishing X-Men #3 has Wolvie murdered by the latest new Horseman of the Apocalypse, Death. With this taking readers by genuine surprise, the rest of Charles Xavier's merry band of mutants discover that the dead Wolverine is actually a shape-shifting Skrull who had been serving undercover as Wolverine for months.
By the time of X-Men #95 a month later, the mysterious Death would eventually be unmasked to reveal themselves to be... Wolverine.
In an explanation typical of the time, it would be detailed how Apocalypse had orchestrated the plan to have ol' Canucklehead replaced in the X-Men by a doppelganger. The real Logan would be kidnapped and brainwashed in order to serve as Death under the charge of Apocalypse.
This may have all been a tad too convoluted once the truth was spotlighted, but it was still a great rug-pull to find Wolverine as the person parading as Death.