10 Best Marvel/DC Crossovers You Won't Believe Exist
2. Just Imagine Series
Seeing DC superheroes reimagined by Stan Lee as they would have been if he had made them is just indescribably cool. Well, alright, it’s pretty describable – because Stan Lee writes in such a recognisably Marvel-like way that you can really see what these characters would have been like if they had been made by the other company.
They’re not simple rehashes, either – clear time and effort has gone into creating figures that are clearly the ones we know and love, while still playing around with the backstories and characters enough to make it also something new and exciting. There’s a very thin line between clever reimagining and cliché overused storylines, and Lee walks this line with such precision that it would not be a surprise if he had been an acrobat in a previous life.
Seeing DC favourites through a classic Marvel lens is not a conventional crossover, for sure, but that only makes it all the more special.