10 Best Super Villains (With No Super Powers)

8. Vulture

The Riddler
Marvel Comics

Another powerless member of the Sinister Six here, and another one whose MCU motivations are tied to Tony Stark despite being a Spider-Man villain. In the comics though, Vulture is one of Spidey’s main nemeses, being only the second villain he ever encountered.

Vulture is fairly old and frail, but thanks to his expertly engineered flight suit has enough strength to take on Spider-Man in a fist fight. As well as this, Vulture has gained the ability to fly realistically thanks to an anti gravity harness and synthetic bird wings.

The fact he can remain as airborne as the web slinging, web swinging Spider-Man adds another element to their often cinematic and high octane battles. This extra element without the Vulture needing to have super powers makes him such an interesting villain for Spidey to come up against.

In some stories, prolonged use of the suit has given him the increased strength and even the ability to hover, which you could argue counts as a super power and therefore disqualifies him here. However, these aren’t the stories you’d typically associate with Vulture, and they’re minor enough to keep him in the running.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)