10 Biggest Comic Book Controversies Of 2014

7. David Finch And Wonder Woman's Feminism

Bill Azzarello and Cliff Chiang's run on Wonder Woman came to an end this year, a series that wasn't without its own controversies, like the rejigged origin story that saw Diana Prince as the actual daughter of a couple of Greek Gods, and a lot less like a badass Amazonian superhero. Still, it was a good run in other ways €“ especially when the character has been pigeon-holed into simply being €œSuperman's girlfriend€ in every other book she appears in. The Azzarello and Chiang Wonder Woman didn't sell like gangbusters but it did receive consistent critical praise and had a noticeably vocal fan base. The news that they would be leaving the book and handing over the reigns to wife-and-husband writer-and-artist (respectively) team Meredith and David Finch was met with some trepidation which, following a couple of interviews with the pair, appeared to be confirmed. €œWe want her to be a strong - I don't want to say feminist, but a strong character.€ That is the David Finch quote that got picked out of DC's long, mostly boring interview with the couple with the announcement. Wonder Woman was designed as a feminist icon, and has rarely been considered anything else, and Finch treating the word like a negative didn't help matters either. Since then he's backpedalled significantly, and the publisher's PR department have kept him on a tight leash, but the damage was done. And the comic sucks.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/