10 Biggest DC Comics Controversies
8. Starfire's Reboot

Before the New 52 hard reset of the DC Universe, Starfire was one of its strongest female characters: a long-time member of the Teen Titans, she escaped a stiflingly patriarchal home planet, became a hero on Earth, and had a pretty cool power set too. She grew even more in popularity, especially amongst younger female fans, in the Teen Titans cartoons. In the New 52, Starfire is...different.
Very different. Where once there was a character that was nuanced, complex and three-dimensional (something pretty rare for female characters in comics, or fiction as a whole) there are now boobs. And a butt. And she hits on everyone. And that's kind of all she is. No distinct personality, no interesting characteristics, just a woman to be ogled.
Fans and critics have aimed similar complaints about the Catwoman reboot, that somehow managed to sexualise a woman in a skin-tight PVC suit even more than before, but the Starfire thing is especially controversial considering all those aforementioned female pre-teen fans of the TV incarnation coming a cropper when they pick up a comic book.