10 Biggest DC Comics Controversies‏

6.The Death And Return Of Superman

Death Of Superman
DC Comics

Looking further back at DC Comics controversies, publicity is often the driving force behind it. I don't think anyone could argue that the Death (And Inevitable Return) Of Superman storyline was written because it was a good story because...well, it isn't that.

It's just a massively overpowered villain pummeling Superman to - spoilers! - death, a few months of people being sad about it, and then the big blue Boy Scout improbably rising from the grave, because there weren't enough Jesus parallels between the characters before. It worked, though! The series was hugely controversial because, well, DC were killing off their flagship character, an icon of modern American pop culture. But that meant it was also widely reported in news outlets that usually wouldn't touch comics unless it was a ten foot barge pole with "BIFF! POW! COMICS AREN'T JUST FOR KIDS!" taped to the end of it.

Funnily enough, all the people who were upset at Supes being killed off were even more upset when he came back less than a year later, as it confirmed their suspicions that the whole thing was just a publicity stunt.

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DC Comics
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/