10 Bizarre Batman Comics Too Weird To Be Real

3. Bruce Gets Batgirl Pregnant

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DC Comics

Weird and disturbing. That is the only way to describe this arc that happens in the Batman Beyond 2.0 comic.

Many comic readers who read this issue felt very uncomfortable. This entire series feels like it tried to make Bruce Wayne the scummiest person to ever exist.

It started with Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) telling Bruce that she was pregnant and not with Dick Grayson's (Robin's) child.

While that is the weirdest part of the issue it is not the worst part. Bruce then decides to tell Dick the news before Barbara can and gets into a fistfight with him. Oh, and she has a miscarriage at the end of the issue.

Batman isn't known for being the cheeriest comic but this one is really dark, and also really weird, given the age gap between Bruce and Babs.


Just an ardent nerd