10 Out Of Character Moments That Annoyed Comic Fans

9. Magneto - Raving Drug Addict

While Grant Morrison's run on the X-Men is near universally praised, there is little to deny that a few specific characters suffered under his penmanship. Chief among these was archenemy and occasional ally Magneto. In an attempt to completely bury the interpretation he believed was wrong, Morrison turned Magneto into the "mad old terrorist t*at" he believed he had always been. As a result, rather than a villain determined to see the survival of his species no matter the cost, suddenly Magneto was a drug crazed loony with no ambitions beyond murdering as many people as he could. Kill-crazy beyond belief, Morrison's writing writing utterly stripped away any reasoning or understandable motivations behind the character. Before being seemingly permanently killed by Wolverine, just to try and cement how evil he truly was (and due to editorial mandate) the villain brutally murdered Jean Grey in a surprise attack. Unsurprisingly, the moment Morrison left the comic Marvel rapidly tried to repair the damage in a convoluted arc of events surrounding his Xorn disguise. While having no place today, the ironic thing was that Morrison's version of the character did once exist comics. Before his turn into begin a more complex character during the 1970s, the original Magneto was a more traditional dictatorial supervillain. Lacking his sympathetic background and with only mutant supremacy in mind, he behaved as a full-blown anti-human terrorist and showed greater extremism than his later incarnations. So the behavior wasn't only out of character, but it was several decades out of date and ignored his development under every single other author to write about the Magneto.
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A gamer who has played everything from Daikatana to Dwarf Fortress. An obsessive film fanatic valuing everything from The Third Man to Flash Gordon. An addict to tabletop titles, comics and the classics of science fiction, whatever media they are a part of.