10 Characters That Deserve The 'Spider-Verse' Treatment

6. Captain America

Batman Incorporated
Marvel Comics

Contrary to some people’s belief, Steve Rogers is not the only Captain America. A fact that is especially true when you factor in all of his alternate reality counterparts.

Just to give an idea of the incarnations that could appear, here’s just a few of them: Bucky, Falcon, Peggy Carter, Cable, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones’ daughter: Danielle Cage, US Agent, Cap Wolf and perhaps even a Steve Rogers who kept Mjolnir, rather than returning it to Thor.

Expand on this with more wacky alternate versions created specifically for a Spider-Verse style story featuring Captain America and there is a really brilliant roster and the potential for a great story.

Though, I’d also just take a tale that just saw Cap permanently keep Mjolnir.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!