10 Comic Announcements From Comic-Con 2014 You Need To Know‏

2. The Multiversity Laid Out

This is an announcement that's been nearly a decade in the making. And that's not an exaggeration, Grant Morrison has actually be working on his alternate reality epic The Multiversity for some eight years at this point, during which time the DC Universe has changed irrevocably. The Scottish writer has had to adjust his script a little in the light of all that New 52 malarkey but finally, a day late but few dollars short, is his most recent - and potentially most bonkers - comic book yet. Which is really saying something, because have you read The Filth? If not, you should really read The Filth. Unless of course you're under the age of 18, pregnant or operating heavy machinery. DC have been slowly teasing the series of the past year or so, but it was during their panel at San Diego Comic-Con that we finally got a glimpse at how it all fit together. Straddling multiple alternate Earths, The Multiversity will see a "monitor" by the name of Nix Woton keeping a close eye on an existential threat to the entirety of existence - a threat that these alternate Earths start clocking onto. How does the news get spread through different planes of reality, though? Because they read comic books about it. Duh. If that hasn't quite fried your brain enough how about the news that one of these alternate realities involves a black Superman inspired by Barack Obama teaming up with Captain Carrot, an anthropomorphic superpowered rabbit? Or another sees the descendants of Batman, Wonder Woman et al throwing in the heroics to live trashy celebrity lifestyles? Or that Frank Quitely's drawing a whole story riffing on Watchmen? Or that we're gonna see a Vampire Batman, a Nazi Superman, a dinosaur cop? With all that and the official "map" of the multiverse coming out of SDCC, we are seriously pumped to read Multiversity.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/