10 Comic Book Arcs That Went On Too Damn Long

9. Superman: Grounded

Spider-Man Ben Reilly
DC Comics

At only thirteen issues long, Superman: Grounded is far from the longest story arc on this list. Yet somehow, it still felt like it went on forever, a thirteen issue slog that was at least thirteen issues too long.

After spending some time on New Krypton, Superman returns to Earth and finds that he has lost touch with humanity. In order to reconnect with the regular people of his adopted home planet, he begins a long walk across the United States that we have no choice but to join him on.

Along the way, Superman talks to American citizens, plays some basketball, thinks about the meaning of life... and does very little else. If you're looking for fights or flights, you've come to the wrong story arc. This chapter in the life of the ass-kicking man of steel from beyond the stars is far more concerned with talks and walks.

Aside from apparently taking Forrest Gump as their main source of inspiration for the concept of this story, the writers make some bizarre choices that just don't feel very Superman-esque. Along his pilgrimage, Superman defends giant corporations from being campaigned against by the people whose lives they're destroying, while also taking a ridiculously irresponsible approach to talking to a suicidal young woman.

After a year and two months of watching Superman self-reflect and pound the pavement, the arc finally, mercifully ended.


Jimmy Kavanagh is an Irish writer and co-founder of Club Valentine Comedy, a Dublin-based comedy collective. You can hear him talk to his favourite comedians about their favourite comics on his podcast, Comics Swapping Comics.