10 Comic Book Catastrophes That Killed Millions

4. Ultron And Phalanx Wipe Out The Kree - Annihilation: Conquest

Annihilation Conquest
Marvel Comics

Death doll: Billions

The assorted Annihilation crossovers have been given a new lease of life in light of the renewed popularity of the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe.

Before that the mini-series was relatively unloved compared to over events happening around the same time, despite them having some rather far-reaching consequences. Such as, for example, the fact that 2008€™s Annihilation: Conquest - a sequel to the earlier Annihilation - saw the murderous self-aware robot Ultron teaming up with interplanetary hive-mind menace Phalanx to conquer the galaxy. Which, despite the intervention of the Guardians, Quasar and Nova, they very nearly do.

Their ace in the hole winds up being their conquering of the Kree, and subsequent taking over of the blue-skinned alien race€™s not insignificant military prowess. Despite Adam Warlock returning and apparently being their saviour, Ultron and the Phalanx wipe out the majority of the Kree during battle and by infecting them with a techno-virus. A whole planet? Who about a whole intergalactic race?

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/