10 Comic Book Characters Who Have Killed Gods

9. Durok The Demolisher Kills Valkyrie

Batma Darkseid
Marvel Comics

In the ensuing chaos of Ragnarok, many Asgardian gods are killed as a result of Loki instigating this cataclysmic event. When Thor is at first overcome by Loki and his other godlike lackeys, he initially responds by transporting himself to Earth- seeking the help of his fellow Avengers.

Unknowingly, though, it was in doing this that Thor had risked the safety of Asgard, which was quickly invaded while Thor had been away. He then returns with the Avengers only to discover his home nearly completely destroyed by Loki's army, whereupon he discovers that his brother, Balder, and his mother, Frigga, had died in battle.

Thor then responds to this invasion by following Loki into battle with an army of his own, where he is joined by Brunhilde (aka Valkyrie) and her horde of warriors. Eventually, Thor manages to track down Loki in Vanaheim, where the brunt of this war takes place.

Brunhilde herself joins the fray with her winged warriors and proceeds to attack Fenris the Wolf. She is inevitably slain by Durok the Demolisher, however, and dies in the arms of Sif - who becomes the new leader of the Valkyries. Brunhilde thus becomes yet another causality of the climatic event that is Ragnarok.

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