10 Comic Book Crazes You Totally Forgot Were A Thing
6. Boobs, Boobs, & More Boobs!
One of the most pervasive problems that has been a part of the comic book industry for decades is the over-sexualized depiction of women. Comics didn't completely start out by depicting women as little more than sex objects, but it wasn't long before the books headed in that direction.
Over the years, the curves got curvier, and the boobs got bigger and bigger — many to the point that any woman who attempted to fight crime in that condition would be physically incapable of doing much of anything.
One of the reasons this was a common instance within comics is due to the belief that heterosexual boys were the primary reader of books, but that's not entirely accurate. There are plenty of girls who read the same comics boys do, and after some time, they became vocal about their disinterest in seeing women depicted as objects.
Fortunately, modern comics tend to depict women in much the same way they do men: they are muscular to near-perfection, but things are decidedly less male-gaze-y.