10 Comic Book Deaths That Angered The World

7. J'€™onn J€™'onzz (AKA Martian Manhunter)

J'onn J'onzz Martian Manhunter death
DC Comics

The general consensus among comic book fans was that the death of Martian Manhunter in 2008 was a fairly pointless one, tacked on at the beginning of DC'€™s Final Crisis event in an attempt to boost sales. Murdered by the villain Libra in the very first instalment of Final Crisis, many fans were outraged by how easily the Martian bit the dust.

In addition to having survived the extermination of his entire species and the death of at least one superhero team, J'€™onn has also emerged unscathed from numerous cancellations, re-designs and retcons throughout his 50+ year publishing history. Besides, J€™'onn J'€™onzz was (at least) as powerful as Superman. Surely he could have overwhelmed his murderers? It just didn'€™t make sense.

Of course, DC had a plan. During the blockbuster 2009 event Blackest Night, dead characters from throughout the universe began to rise again as evil zombies, controlled by the monstrous Nekron. Martian Manhunter was among them. This evil version of J'€™onn J€™'onzz gave The Flash and Green Lantern quite the run around in the earlier parts of the story, which not only reminded us just how powerful J€™'onn is, but also how much we€™d all missed him in the, um, few months he€™d been away. At the culmination of the story, as the white light of life returns several deceased characters from the grave, Superman exclaims '€œJ€™'onn! You€™'re alive!€' to which our favourite Martian smiles to himself and simply replies €œIt appears so€. And with that, an entire fanbase smiled with him.

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I am a professional author and lifelong comic books/pro wrestling fan. I also work as a journalist as well as writing comic books (I also draw), screenplays, stage plays, songs and prose fiction. I don't generally read or reply to comments here on What Culture (too many trolls!), but if you follow my Twitter (@heyquicksilver), I'll talk to you all day long! If you are interested in reading more of my stuff, you can find it on http://quicksilverstories.weebly.com/ (my personal site, which has other wrestling/comics/pop culture stuff on it). I also write for FLiCK http://www.flickonline.co.uk/flicktion, which is the best place to read my fiction work. Oh yeah - I'm about to become a Dad for the first time, so if my stuff seems more sentimental than usual - blame it on that! Finally, I sincerely appreciate every single read I get. So if you're reading this, thank you, you've made me feel like Shakespeare for a day! (see what I mean?) Latcho Drom, - CQ