10 Comic Book Heroes Taken Down In Just One Hit!

8. Falcon

Hulk The Thing
Marvel Comics / Jesus Saiz

In the 2016 Thanos solo series, the Mad Titan is dying of a mysterious terminal illness, travelling the universe in search of a cure. The villain's quest eventually lead him to an ancient and powerful place known as the God Quarry.

The Witches of Infinity, who control the Quarry, offer Thanos a potential future where he has become a hero, fighting alongside his former enemies the Avengers for the good of the universe. This future is supposedly Thanos's best hope at finding peace. Unfortunately for The Witches - and a team of Avengers who happen to be present - The Mad Titan rejects the vision.

To cement his decision, Thanos brutally crushes the head of Sam Wilson, aka Falcon, between his hands, complete with gruesome sound effect.

We've always known that Thanos was a monster, and has likely killed millions over the course of his time in the comics, but the murder of Falcon is easily one of the most brutal killings he ever committed. It ensures we never forget why he is called the Mad Titan

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