10 Comic Characters You Didn't Know Were Related

8. Creed And Nightcrawler

Deadpool Dracula
Marvel Comics

Nightcrawler's family tree is a profoundly confusing thing, seemingly crafted in order to force characters who otherwise would never interact into uncomfortable proximity with each other through being secret relatives.

While there are many soap-level surprises, the best has to be the simple fact that Nightcrawler and Graydon Creed - renowned supervillain and all-around bad dude - are in fact half-brothers.

Because they're both the sons of Mystique, which is slightly less impressive given she has six super-powered children (that we're aware of). This makes every time they have to come into contact even more awkward, as they're usually on opposing sides - and usually pretty mad that their half-sibling is willing to throw down with them.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.