10 Comic Heroes Who Killed Their Biggest Rival

9. Captain America Kills Red Skull - Captain America: Steve Rogers #15

Joker Batman
Marvel Comics

Hilariously, Captain America's decision to kill Red Skull comes not while Steve is a 'proper' hero, but when he's actually brainwashed by the Cosmic Cube into working for the evil organisation of Hydra. While you'd expect this would make him allies with his Nazi counterpart, it actually serves as his motivation to murder the villain, in order to take his job as the leader of Hydra.

Knowing that the Schmidt would never willingly relinquish his position, Rogers explains to his longtime adversary that he believes he'd run the team better, and after a brief skirmish, America's former defender casually throws the villain from a window, killing him.

While the decision to have Captain America turn into an evil fascist ruffled many feathers amongst Marvel's fans, it's undeniable that seeing him slam dunk his greatest rival through a glass window makes up for it... at least a little.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.