10 Comic Villains You Didn't Realise Actually Won

8. Loki - Journey Into Mystery

Injustice 2 Darkseid
Marvel Comics

Journey to Mystery contains a particularly unusual villainous victory, where Loki - the God of Mischief - defeats...another Loki.

Admittedly, Kid Loki and the older, more evil version of Loki are pretty much polar opposites. While the child wants to redeem himself both in his own eyes and the eyes of his friends and family, his aged form couldn't be more different, actively craving as much chaos and bloodshed as possible.

Naturally, baby Loki's desire to reform brings him into conflict with his older self, which culminates in Kid Loki damning himself in order to save the world. While the Kid manages to stop Elder Loki's evil plan by doing so, he still condemns himself to the fate of becoming his wrinkly old self, which means it can still be considered a win for his villainous side.


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