10 Comics Every Music Lover Should Read

3. Death Sentence

Monty Nero and Mike Dowling's 'Death Sentence' is a series that doesn't mess around. If 'The Wicked + The Divine' does an awesome job of taking the real world and making it convincingly fit a comic book premise, Death Sentence climbs out of the book and starts smashing s*** up around you in your own house, as you sit there, laughing maniacally along with it. The series focuses on the idea that a sexually transmitted disease is capable of pushing those afflicted with it beyond human - their abilities are enhanced. From the outside looking in, they become super-human. But the trade-off is that after 6 months, they die. At the forefront we have three characters - Verity, Weasel and Monty. While there's no fun in giving the game away, because (and this can't be stressed enough) you NEED to read this series. Lets just say that Weasel is the degenerate, dead by 27 rock star everyone who picks up a guitar secretly aspires to be and that 'Death Sentence' as a whole is as rock 'n' roll as comics have gotten in a very long time.
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Newcastle based filmmaker with a taste for world cinema, loud music, and good beer. Green Bay Packers fan.