10 Comics That Made Us Proud To Be Nerds

2. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns

The Dark Knight Strikes Again may have made it onto our ashamed list but its predecessor rightfully deserves its place here. If any comic deserves the right to say it completely revolutionised the genre, it€™s Frank Miller€™s The Dark Knight Returns. Naturally, that makes the sequel all the more disappointing, but we press on. Bruce Wayne is retired and Gotham is worse than ever, their streets overrun by a deadly gang that refers to themselves as mutants. As Gotham (and the world) creeps ever closer to a dystopian future, Bruce becomes Batman once more. The Dark Knight Returns was released the same year as Watchmen (what a time for comic fans) and dealt with similar themes from the government rejecting costume vigilantism to the tension and fear spurred on by The Cold War. The artwork is even similar to Watchmen; it€™s dark, gritty and almost claustrophobic. Miller€™s portrayal of Gotham is spectacular and as cliché as it sounds, he brings life to the pages. Most importantly, Frank Miller answers the oldest question in comics that is €œWho would win in a fight, Batman or Superman?€ and it€™s Batman. Miller tackles the complexity of the fight excellently, building tension in the early pages as Bruce prepares for battle and those around him worry €“ his mortality laid bare for all to see. In the end, Batman€™s famous contingency plans and intellect is also laid bare, and it overcomes Superman€™s brawn in a stunning sequence. It€™s a thunderous fight scene brought to life by Miller€™s excellent artwork and dialogue, and is cleverly constructed to come across as real and authentic, the outcome certainly giving Ben Affleck the edge heading into the Batman vs. Superman film. It reignited the industry and gave comics a much-needed spark. Miller stripped away the campiness and immaturity that had plagued Batman for so long and gave us the Batman we wanted. Despite already being on the path back to his darker roots, Miller gave him the final push he needed and cemented the Batman we all know. Although Miller€™s famous quote €˜I gave Batman his balls back€™ is up for debate (and maybe a little over the top), he certainly gave the character some much-needed direction. It is arguably the best Batman story every told.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.