10 Comics That Made Us Proud To Be Nerds

6. Marvels

Marvels is a beautiful story that follows Phil Sheldon, an ordinary man who witnesses the birth and rise of superheroes (or €˜Marvels€™ as they€™re called here) and documents how it all becomes a huge part of their everyday lives. It€™s an interesting concept to see the biggest and most iconic events in the Marvel universe through the eyes of the average citizen. When the Secret Wars happens, everyone wonders where all the heroes have gone, when the X-Men arrive they form an angry mob and when the spectacularly-drawn Galactus arrives to Earth, they all just watch, simply waiting to die in stunned silence. The Marvels appear godlike in their eyes, and Sheldon is constantly looking up at them from down below, really bringing forth the idea that they all feel like ants under a microscope. We witness Sheldon go through all whole range of emotions as he tries to understand the Marvels, from humiliation of feeling less of a man, to fear when he€™s caught up in the anti-mutant hysteria and finally respect, something that isolates him from society. He dedicates his life to trying to understand them and goes as far as to investigate Captain George Stacy€™s murder, with the hope of vindicating prime-suspect Spider-Man. He€™s the last person Gwen talks to before she€™s abducted and killed by the Green Goblin in a wonderful representation of Marvel€™s most famous tragedy. He just helplessly watches on in horror and mirrors the exact feelings (and possibly words) that readers had when they first read €˜The Night Gwen Stacy Dies€™ €“ €œHe failed.€ Marvels is a terrific story, an unofficial history book with some of the most beautiful artwork you will ever see in a comic. It€™s a fascinating take on the genre and Sheldon plays the role excellently as the audience hangs on his every word. His words come across as bold and haunting at times, especially when he resents society for the way they treat the heroes - €œIt would have served us right if they never returned. We didn€™t deserve them.€

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.