10 Comics That Made Us Proud To Be Nerds

4. Spider-Man: Blue

The team of Tim Sale and Jeph Loeb is the dynamic duo of comics, producing some of the finest work the industry has seen in the past few decades. Spider-Man: Blue is the latest addition to their untitled Marvel colour series and is one of the best Spider-Man stories we€™ve had the good grace to read. The story begins with Peter Parker recording a message to the deceased Gwen Stacy, recounting the first days he met her and what a wonderful time it was. There isn€™t anything huge in play here, no big twist or dangerous villain in the background, it€™s just one man still dealing with a tragedy he is certain could have been avoided, one that still haunts him to this day. Loeb picks Peter€™s words wonderfully and you truly feel Peter€™s heart ache with each sentence he records for Gwen. The last few panels where Peter explains his €˜blue€™ mood around Valentine€™s Day without Gwen are brilliantly constructed - added to immensely by Mary Jane who overhears Peter, walks in and asks him to tell Gwen she misses her too in a touching and perfect moment. The comic is wonderfully illustrated, with Sale having a notable and unique style that fits the story, clearly paying homage to Steve Ditko while also adding his own flair. The impact of Gwen Stacy€™s death on not only Peter and Mary Jane, but also the whole industry, should not be underestimated. It€™s one of the most iconic moments seeing Spider-Man clutching Gwen's corpse and cursing the Green Goblin. It€™s a story that should really be left alone and if brought up, should be handled with nothing but respect (unlike Sins Past, which the less said about the better) and Loeb does just that. Much like with Marvels, Spider-Man: Blue handles the story of Gwen with delicacy and care - it€™s a sensitive subject for fans - and the respect shown should be commended. Peter Parker€™s life has always been full of tragedy and it€™s how he picks himself and carries on in the name of those he has lost that makes him a hero. Spider-Man: Blue is Loeb and Sale€™s love letter to Stan Lee€™s classic wall-crawler, it€™s storytelling at its finest and it€™ll take the coldest of hearts to finish this book and not shed a tear for Peter and Gwen.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.