10 Comics That Told Inspiring Mental Health Stories

7. Red Hood And The Outlaws: Redemption

Iron Man Demon In A Bottle
DC Comics

Red Hood ranks among the most complex characters in the Batman family. Many of his stories involve clashing with The Dark Knight over his willingness to use lethal force against criminals. For a long time, Jason held a grudge against his mentor for refusing to kill the Joker.

During the New 52, Jason received an ongoing series called Red Hood and The Outlaws, which redefined the character and his journey. In the ‘Redemption’ story, Red Hood is joined by Arsenal and Starfire. The three of them go on a mission to investigate the destruction of the All-Caste, an assassin cult who trained Red Hood.

Within the story, Jason starts to overcome the post traumatic stress disorder he felt over his resurrection. He begins to look beyond his grudge against Batman and work towards finding inner peace. This is due to his interactions with Arsenal and Starfire, who support him every step of the way.

Redemption also does wonders for Roy Harper. Arsenal is a recovering heroin addict and his friendship with Jason and Starfire helps to restore his self-worth. It motivates him to be better.

The first arc of Red Hood and The Outlaws celebrates the importance of being around like-minded people. No one has to go through a mental health problem alone.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.