10 Comics That Told Inspiring Mental Health Stories

3. Thor: God Of Thunder Reborn

Iron Man Demon In A Bottle
Marvel Comics

Even gods are capable of suffering from mental health disorders like low self-esteem and depression. There was a time when Thor lost the ability to wield Mjolnir because he was deemed unworthy. Falling into despair, he changed his name to Odinson and passed the mantle of God of Thunder to Jane Foster.

Thor: God of Thunder Reborn is a relatable mental health story that features the Thunderer reclaiming his name and self-worth. With Mjolnir destroyed, Thor must rely on using an arsenal of hammers to stop a war brewing in Hel. In his effort to stop the realm from being taken over by Queen Sindr, the Odinson calls on the aid of Loki, Balder, Karnilla and several other Asgardians.

The story starts off with Thor feeling doubtful of being able to live up to the person he used to be. By the end, he comes to the realisation that he doesn’t need to define himself by Mjonir. His worthiness comes from never giving up.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.