10 Comics Villains Who CHEATED Their Powers

2. Doc Ock Stole Spider-Man's Body - Superior Spider-Man

Riddler Batman
Marvel Comics

Now this is an interesting case, since shortly after performing this dirty little cheat, Doc Ock more or less completely reforms his act and becomes a full time superhero. But, he was as bad as they come when he did this, so I feel it counts.

When Otto starts dying of cancer, he sets about ensuring that he gets one last victory over the wall-crawler before he goes out. That victory of course being that he DOESN'T go out, as he switches minds with Peter so that Peter is stuck in the dying body of Otto Octavius, while Otto gets to run around as Spider-Man. What results is a Spider-Man with all the same powers, but now with a devious and morally dubious mind like Otto's behind them.

However, before Peter goes out, he plays one last trick on the supervillain, giving him access to all of his memories, and making the doctor see just how similar they really were and how their relationship could have been far different had one of them done something differently. This inspires Doc Ock to continue Spider-Man's work, becoming the Superior Spider-Man.

Neither this, however, nor the eventual return to status quo, undoes just how deviously Otto cheated death through his arch nemesis.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?