10 Controversial Batman Comics DC Wants You To Forget

7. The Duc D'Orterre

Batman Jason Todd Death
DC Comics

The Duc D'Orterre is an obscure Batman villain, who appeared in one comic - Detective Comics #34 - for the sole purpose of making wild s**t go down. This is the only logical explanation for a man who - in a single comic - attempts murder with a deadly spinning wheel, has made a garden of flowers with human faces, and has burnt a man's entire face off.

There are villains who, despite several comic appearances, have not done as many insane things as the Duc D'orterre manages in the span of thirteen pages.

The brevity may also add to what makes the comic so crazy, as it seems to go from normal to death traps in no time flat. The plant women are never explicitly saved, either, so they're either in perpetual suffering or being saved for the single craziest Poison Ivy comic the human brain can comprehend.

Honestly, there's no way the Duc's first appearance could ever be topped - and that's why it seems unlikely DC would want you to remember what could be their wildest villain to date.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.