10 Controversial Comic Book Couples Fans Hated

4. Quicksilver And Scarlet Witch (Ultimate Universe)

Quicksilver Scarlet Witch Ultimate Universe
Marvel Comics

The Ultimate Universe was a lot of things when it debuted, but one thing no one could've predicted was that it'd be incestuous.

While the alternate earth pioneered by Mark Millar, Brian Bendis and others was renowned for its fresh and reinvigorating take on the Marvel Universe, there were some decisions that the writers could've probably kept, one being the incestuous relationship between the Maximoff twins, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

In the main 616 continuity, the son and daughter of Magneto are just that, siblings. In the decidedly seedier (and George R. R. Martin-y) world of Ultimate Marvel, they are however romantically linked as well. What was at first hinted at by Millar became painfully obvious by the time Jeph Loeb got on the book, during which he decided to show a scene where Wolverine even walks in on them as they're (presumably) getting down, and it's about as gross as you'd expect.

Not to say that this was one of the reasons why Marvel originally ditched the Ultimate Universe, but this is definitely one of the reasons why Marvel decided to ditch the Ultimate Universe.

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