10 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy Sin City
10. The Projects
We're not sure if you knew this, but Basin City is not a fun place. That's probably why they shorten the name, now we think about it. What's really mind-blowing, though, is that the fictional noir location has a "wrong side of the tracks". Isn't the whole thing the "wrong side of the tracks?" Apparently not, since there's an area of Sin City where not even those burly men in their trenchcoats, who are fine wandering the crime-strewn alleyways that cover the rest of the place, dare to tread. They are The Projects, and somehow they are worse than every other part of Sin City put together. It's also the place where Marv was born, and refuses to ever return to, to give you more of an idea of its awfulness. A maze of rundown, high-rise apartments that were built during a brief affluent period for the city, unfortunately The Projects never became the upper class dream world they were designed to be. Instead they were never finished, owing to labour disputes (what a magical fantasy world this is), and so they became overrun by the crazy down and outs. Like, the ones who are more crazy and down and out than our heroes. Crime runs rampant and the police have no pull, effectively making The Projects their own sovereign state with no contact to the legal system of the wider world. Again, we're not sure how this makes it any different than the rest of Sin City but shhh, just go with it.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/