10 Crazy Superheroes From Around The World

7. Bananaman (England)

No list about crazy international superheroes would ever be complete without England's Bananaman. First appearing in 1980 in the British comic "Nutty", the D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd hero would go on to get his own titular animated series, which ran on the BBC for two and a half years between 1983 and 1986. His origin varied from source to source but, generally speaking, he was a boy named Eric (Eric Wimp in the comic book, Eric Twinge in the television series), who was an ordinary school pupil living at 29 Acacia Road, Nuttytown. Every time he ate a banana he would transform into the superhero Bananaman - essentially a banana-themed parody of Superman - who possessed powers like super-strength, super-durability and flight. Amusingly, his "Kryptonite" was mouldy bananas. He generally fought different villains every week, but his arch-enemy was General Blight - a criminal mastermind and a parody of Adolf Hitler, nonetheless.
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El Bulbo
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.