10 Crazy Superheroes From Around The World

4. The Bulb (Mexico)

Go home Mexico, you're drunk. Arguably the wackiest concept for a superhero ever, El Bulbo (or "The Bulb") is exactly what he sounds like - a superhero light-bulb. Featuring in publications by Shibalba Press and created by Sebastian Carrillo AKA "Bachan", superheroes really don't come much weirder than this little guy. El Bulbo came into existence when a magical spell was cast on a television set and all of the bulbs inside it were brought to life. Seriously. While most of the bulbs created a civil society and went about their bulby lives in peace, one of them thought he was Adolf Hitler and gave himself the name "Adolfo", prompting El Bulbo to throw on a cape and spring into action as an unlikely hero. His powers include being able to fly, the ability to fire disintegration rays and size alteration (he can grow pretty big too!). Remarkably, he also got his own animated television series.
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El Bulbo
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.