10 Criminally Underrated Marvel Comics You Must Read

7. All-New X-Men (2015)

Champions Kamala Nova Spider-Man
Marvel Comics

One of the most divisive events since the Disney buyout of Marvel (or Maus-vel as some fans have dubbed it), was the Avengers Vs. X-Men event, which occurred in 2012. It pretty much started the downward spiral of Cyclops and seemed to be the means to justify an X-Men downgrade in order to push the Inhumans.

That same year, the original five X-Men were brought forward from their time in the 1960s to really hammer home that there didn’t seem to be forward movement with the X-books. Skipping a ten-page rant on the whole situation, evil X-Face Cyclops is killed off in the massive retcon event, Secret Wars, but now young and hip Cyclops exists in a world where people know him as the new Magneto.

While there was a solo Cyclops series that came out to try and rectify this character bit, it wasn’t until Dennis Hopeless’ All-New X-Men that it was properly handled. A mutant gang known as The Ghosts of Cyclops are causing mayhem while pretending to know all about Cyclops. This annoys young Scott Summers and it becomes a battle of ideologies, self-forgiveness and even some humor that it finally allowed for the storyline to reach a new stage, and for the character to move forward.

This first storyline for the book really focuses on Cyclops to overcome a built-in hurdle with the character before utilizing the full team dynamic - in the process creating a thoroughly underrated X-title.


A.J. Carey is a child of pop culture, learning to read on comic books and raised like any true '90s child on films way above his age range and network television!