10 Darkest Batman: The Animated Series Episodes

6. Baby Doll

Over The Edge BTAS Batgirl
Warner Bros.

In the episode 'Baby Doll', a forgotten TV star kidnaps the former cast of her show in order to get revenge on the cast-mate that ruined her career. Batman swoops in to save the day, and the titular villain is brought down. Sort of.

The episode is a two-punch combination of bleakness - the first being the titular character of Baby Doll is a figure stuck in time, and refusing to move on from their old life as a TV starlet. She coasts off the fading fame she once held, and resents any of her cast-mates who broke through and succeeded.

The second punch comes from the physical concept of Baby Doll. Her real name is Mary Dahl, and while she was an adorable child years ago, a rare condition has stopped her physically ageing, forcing her to forever look like a child.

A middle-aged, hollow-voiced adult inside a child's body is a disturbing idea to conceive of. Especially when she acts "babyish" and talks like a toddler to Batman and her goons.

The whole episode leaves you feeling unsettled, and the closing sequence is a bittersweet highlight for fans - one that perfectly illustrates the amazing writing the series had.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!