10 Darkest Batman: The Animated Series Episodes

4. The Forgotten

Over The Edge BTAS Batgirl
Warner Bros.

The animated series wasn’t short of offbeat singular episodes. It can't be more obvious than the episode where Batman loses his memory and is forced into a slave labor camp;

The episode sets up the premise that the homeless population of Gotham City has been disappearing. What unfolds is an upsetting and dark tale of the people of Gotham City being abducted off the streets, to work in a detestable plantation owner's gold mine.

The episode lays its message down pretty thick with the subtext of homelessness, and raises the point about how Bruce Wayne's wealth could be redistributed in a much better way.

But given that the fact that this fate isn't too far away from reality, the episode delivers a much more frightening tone for young and adult audiences. Had Batman not regained his memory and brought down the slavery compound, it's a strong possibility that more and more forgotten citizens of Gotham City would disappear unnoticed.

The scenes on the plantation are not shy either - with cruel living conditions and even crueler punishment doled out to the slaves, it’s an episode that twists stomachs just thinking about it. And despite a happy ending, it's still an uncomfortable watch.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!